¤地方政府规划¤Publicity of Draf Local Plan JB - Kulai 2030

What can we do for our future city?
Most of us cannot figure out what actually we can do for our future living environment. We always think that government and developers are the one to plan and develop for our future city. Now, you can play your role to participate in the town planning development as a citizens of Johor Bahru. MBJB, MPJBT, MPPG, MPKu and JPBD are exhibiting the draft local plans in their council.
What is Local Plans?
Local Plans are usually in the form of coloured maps showing in detail future development of an area. They show land use and the intensity of use, major transportation routes and hubs and significant landmarks such as heritage buildings and open spaces. They are usually accompanied by written statements and illustrations to provide more details.
Local Plans will be gazetted, become the legal documents. It must be followed by all parties, including government, consultants and developers. Once an area has a Local Plan, the local authority does not have to conduct a hearing for nearby residents to make objections in the processing of an application to undertake land development.
The local authorities must facilitate public participation in the preparation of the plans. Local residents are encouraged to visit the exhibition and propose opinion in order to play an effective role in decision making of our future city. The local council will take all the written opinions into consideration of the future town planning.
or you may download the PDF copy of local plans from: jpbd.johor.gov.my
The local plans will be exhibited until 8th Dec 2016.

小妮子笔于: 06.12.2016
